import _app from './app.js'; import QRCodeAlg from './QRCodeAlg.js'; import { base64ToPath } from './image-tools.js'; const ShreUserPosterBackgroundKey = 'ShrePosterBackground_'; // 背景图片缓存名称前缀 const idKey = 'QSSHAREPOSTER_IDKEY'; //drawArray自动生成的idkey var isMp = false; // #ifdef MP isMp = true; // #endif var nbgScale = 1; // export default function getSharePoster(obj) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const result1 = await returnPromise(obj); resolve(result1); } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception try { if(obj.bgScale) { obj.bgScale = Number(obj.bgScale) - 0.1 }else{ nbgScale = nbgScale - 0.1 } console.log('------------清除缓存后, 开始第二次尝试------------'); const result2 = await returnPromise(obj); resolve(result2); } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception reject(e); } } }) } function returnPromise(obj) { let { type, formData, background, posterCanvasId, backgroundImage, reserve, textArray, drawArray, qrCodeArray, imagesArray, setCanvasWH, setCanvasToTempFilePath, setDraw, bgScale, Context, _this, delayTimeScale, drawDelayTime } = obj; return new Promise(async (rs, rj) => { try { _app.showLoading('正在准备海报数据'); if (!Context) { _app.log('没有画布对象,创建画布对象'); Context = uni.createCanvasContext(posterCanvasId, (_this || null)); } let bgObj; if (background && background.width && background.height) { bgObj = background; } else { bgObj = await getShreUserPosterBackground({ backgroundImage, type, formData }); } bgScale = bgScale || nbgScale; bgObj.width = bgObj.width * bgScale; bgObj.height = bgObj.height * bgScale; _app.log('获取背景图信息对象成功:' + JSON.stringify(bgObj)); const params = { bgObj, type, bgScale, getBgObj: function() { return params.bgObj; }, setBgObj: function(newBgObj){ const n = {...params.bgObj, ...newBgObj}; params.bgObj = n; bgObj = n; } }; if (imagesArray) { if (typeof(imagesArray) == 'function') imagesArray = imagesArray(params); _app.showLoading('正在生成需绘制图片的临时路径'); _app.log('准备设置图片'); imagesArray = await setImage(imagesArray); _app.hideLoading(); } if (textArray) { if (typeof(textArray) == 'function') textArray = textArray(params); textArray = setText(Context, textArray); } if (qrCodeArray) { if (typeof(qrCodeArray) == 'function') qrCodeArray = qrCodeArray(params); _app.showLoading('正在生成需绘制图片的临时路径'); for (let i = 0; i < qrCodeArray.length; i++) { _app.log(i); if (qrCodeArray[i].image) qrCodeArray[i].image = await _app.downloadFile_PromiseFc(qrCodeArray[i].image); } _app.hideLoading(); } if (drawArray) { if (typeof(drawArray) == 'function') { drawArray = drawArray(params); } if (_app.isPromise(drawArray)) { drawArray = await drawArray; } if (_app.isArray(drawArray) && drawArray.length > 0) { let hasAllInfoCallback = false; for (let i = 0; i < drawArray.length; i++) { const drawArrayItem = drawArray[i]; if (_app.isFn(drawArrayItem.allInfoCallback) && !hasAllInfoCallback) hasAllInfoCallback = true; drawArrayItem[idKey] = i; let newData; switch (drawArrayItem.type) { case 'image': newData = await setImage(drawArrayItem); break; case 'text': newData = setText(Context, drawArrayItem); break; case 'qrcode': if (drawArrayItem.image) newData = { image: await _app.downloadFile_PromiseFc(drawArrayItem.image) }; break; case 'custom': break; case 'fillrect': break; case 'strokeRect': break; case 'roundStrokeRect': break; case 'roundFillRect': break; default: _app.log('未识别的类型'); break; } if (newData && _app.isObject(newData)) { drawArray[i] = { ...drawArrayItem, ...newData } }; } if (hasAllInfoCallback) { _app.log('----------------hasAllInfoCallback----------------'); const drawArray_copy = [...drawArray]; drawArray_copy.sort((a, b) => { const a_serialNum = !_app.isUndef(a.serialNum) && !_app.isNull(a.serialNum) ? Number(a.serialNum) : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; const b_serialNum = !_app.isUndef(b.serialNum) && !_app.isNull(b.serialNum) ? Number(b.serialNum) : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; return a_serialNum - b_serialNum; }) _app.log('开始for循环'); for (let i = 0; i < drawArray_copy.length; i++) { const item = { ...drawArray_copy[i] }; if (_app.isFn(item.allInfoCallback)) { let newData = item.allInfoCallback({ drawArray }); if (_app.isPromise(newData)) newData = await newData; const item_idKey = item[idKey]; if (!_app.isUndef(item_idKey)) { drawArray[item[idKey]] = { ...item, ...newData }; } else { console.log('程序错误 找不到idKey!!! ...这不应该啊'); } } } _app.log('for循环结束'); } } } console.log('params:' + JSON.stringify(params)) if (setCanvasWH && typeof(setCanvasWH) == 'function') { await new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ setCanvasWH(params); setTimeout(()=>{ resolve(); }, 50) }) } const poster = await drawShareImage({ Context, type, posterCanvasId, reserve, drawArray, textArray, imagesArray, bgObj, qrCodeArray, setCanvasToTempFilePath, setDraw, bgScale, _this, delayTimeScale, drawDelayTime }); _app.hideLoading(); rs({ bgObj, poster, type }); } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception rj(e); } }); } function drawShareImage(obj) { //绘制海报方法 let { Context, type, posterCanvasId, reserve, bgObj, drawArray, textArray, qrCodeArray, imagesArray, setCanvasToTempFilePath, setDraw, bgScale, _this, delayTimeScale, drawDelayTime } = obj; const params = { Context, bgObj, type, bgScale }; delayTimeScale = delayTimeScale !== undefined ? delayTimeScale : 15; drawDelayTime = drawDelayTime !== undefined ? drawDelayTime : 100; return new Promise((rs, rj) => { try { _app.showLoading('正在绘制海报'); _app.log('背景对象:' + JSON.stringify(bgObj)); if (bgObj && bgObj.path) { _app.log('背景有图片路径'); Context.drawImage(bgObj.path, 0, 0, bgObj.width, bgObj.height); } else { _app.log('背景没有图片路径'); if (bgObj.backgroundColor) { _app.log('背景有背景颜色:' + bgObj.backgroundColor); Context.setFillStyle(bgObj.backgroundColor); Context.fillRect(0, 0, bgObj.width, bgObj.height); } else { _app.log('背景没有背景颜色'); } } _app.showLoading('绘制图片'); if (imagesArray && imagesArray.length > 0) drawImage(Context, imagesArray); _app.showLoading('绘制自定义内容'); if (setDraw && typeof(setDraw) == 'function') setDraw(params); _app.showLoading('绘制文本'); if (textArray && textArray.length > 0) drawText(Context, textArray, bgObj); _app.showLoading('绘制二维码'); if (qrCodeArray && qrCodeArray.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < qrCodeArray.length; i++) { drawQrCode(Context, qrCodeArray[i]); } } _app.showLoading('绘制可控层级序列'); if (drawArray && drawArray.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < drawArray.length; i++) { const drawArrayItem = drawArray[i]; _app.log('绘制可控层级序列, drawArrayItem:' + JSON.stringify(drawArrayItem)); switch (drawArrayItem.type) { case 'image': _app.log('绘制可控层级序列, 绘制图片'); drawImage(Context, drawArrayItem); break; case 'text': _app.log('绘制可控层级序列, 绘制文本'); drawText(Context, drawArrayItem, bgObj); break; case 'qrcode': _app.log('绘制可控层级序列, 绘制二维码'); drawQrCode(Context, drawArrayItem); break; case 'custom': _app.log('绘制可控层级序列, 绘制自定义内容'); if (drawArrayItem.setDraw && typeof drawArrayItem.setDraw === 'function') drawArrayItem.setDraw(Context); break;drawRoundStrokeRect, drawStrokeRect case 'fillRect': _app.log('绘制可控层级序列, 绘制填充直角矩形'); drawFillRect(Context, drawArrayItem); break; case 'strokeRect': _app.log('绘制可控层级序列, 绘制线条直角矩形'); drawStrokeRect(Context, drawArrayItem); break; case 'roundStrokeRect': _app.log('绘制可控层级序列, 绘制线条圆角矩形'); drawRoundStrokeRect(Context, drawArrayItem); break; case 'roundFillRect': _app.log('绘制可控层级序列, 绘制填充圆角矩形'); drawRoundFillRect(Context, drawArrayItem); break; default: _app.log('未识别的类型'); break; } } } _app.showLoading('绘制中') setTimeout(() => { _app.log('准备执行draw方法') _app.log('Context:' + Context); const fn = function(){ _app.showLoading('正在输出图片'); let setObj = setCanvasToTempFilePath || {}; if (setObj && typeof(setObj) == 'function') setObj = setCanvasToTempFilePath(bgObj, type); let canvasToTempFilePathFn; const data = { x: 0, y: 0, width: Number(bgObj.width), height: Number(bgObj.height), destWidth: Number(bgObj.width), // 若H5使用这里请不要乘以二 destHeight: Number(bgObj.height), // 若H5使用这里请不要乘以二 quality: .8, fileType: 'jpg', ...setObj }; console.log('canvasToTempFilePath的data对象:' + JSON.stringify(data)); canvasToTempFilePathFn = function() { const toTempFilePathObj = { //输出为图片, canvasId: posterCanvasId, success(res) { _app.hideLoading(); rs(res); }, fail(err) { _app.hideLoading(); console.log('输出图片失败'); _app.log('输出图片失败:' + JSON.stringify(err)); rj('输出图片失败:' + JSON.stringify(err)) } } uni.canvasToTempFilePath(toTempFilePathObj, _this || null); } let delayTime = 0; if (qrCodeArray) { qrCodeArray.forEach(item => { if (item.text) { delayTime += Number(item.text.length); } }) } if (imagesArray) { imagesArray.forEach(() => { delayTime += delayTimeScale; }) } if (textArray) { textArray.forEach(() => { delayTime += delayTimeScale; }) } if (drawArray) { drawArray.forEach(item => { switch (item.type) { case 'text': if (item.text) { delayTime += item.text.length; } break; default: delayTime += delayTimeScale; break; } }) } _app.log('延时系数:' + delayTimeScale); _app.log('总计延时:' + delayTime); setTimeout(canvasToTempFilePathFn, delayTime); } Context.draw((typeof(reserve) == 'boolean' ? reserve : false), fn); }, drawDelayTime); } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception _app.hideLoading(); rj(e); } }); } // export function drawFillRect(Context, drawArrayItem = {}) { //填充矩形 _app.log('进入绘制填充直角矩形方法, drawArrayItem:' + JSON.stringify(drawArrayItem)); Context.setFillStyle(drawArrayItem.backgroundColor || 'black'); Context.setGlobalAlpha(drawArrayItem.alpha || 1); Context.fillRect(drawArrayItem.dx || 0, drawArrayItem.dy || 0, drawArrayItem.width || 0, drawArrayItem.height || 0); Context.setGlobalAlpha(1); } // export function drawStrokeRect(Context, drawArrayItem = {}) { //线条矩形 Context.setStrokeStyle(drawArrayItem.color||'black'); Context.setLineWidth(drawArrayItem.lineWidth || 1); Context.strokeRect(drawArrayItem.dx, drawArrayItem.dy, drawArrayItem.width, drawArrayItem.height); } // export function drawRoundStrokeRect(Context, drawArrayItem = {}) { let { dx, dy, width, height, r, lineWidth, color } = drawArrayItem; r = r || width * .1; if (width < 2 * r) { r = width / 2; } if (width < 2 * r) { r = width / 2; } Context.beginPath(); Context.moveTo(dx + r, dy); Context.arcTo(dx + width, dy, dx + width, dy + height, r); Context.arcTo(dx + width, dy + height, dx, dy + height, r); Context.arcTo(dx, dy + height, dx, dy, r); Context.arcTo(dx, dy, dx + width, dy, r); Context.closePath(); Context.setLineWidth(lineWidth || 1); Context.setStrokeStyle(color || 'black'); Context.stroke(); } // export function drawRoundFillRect(Context, drawArrayItem = {}) { let { dx, dy, width, height, r, backgroundColor } = drawArrayItem; r = r || width * .1; if (width < 2 * r) { r = width / 2; } if (width < 2 * r) { r = width / 2; } Context.beginPath(); Context.moveTo(dx + r, dy); Context.arcTo(dx + width, dy, dx + width, dy + height, r); Context.arcTo(dx + width, dy + height, dx, dy + height, r); Context.arcTo(dx, dy + height, dx, dy, r); Context.arcTo(dx, dy, dx + width, dy, r); Context.closePath(); Context.setFillStyle(backgroundColor); Context.fill(); } // export function setText(Context, texts) { // 设置文本数据 _app.log('进入设置文字方法, texts:' + JSON.stringify(texts)); if (texts && _app.isArray(texts)) { _app.log('texts是数组'); if (texts.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) { _app.log('字符串信息-初始化之前:' + JSON.stringify(texts[i])); texts[i] = setTextFn(Context, texts[i]); } } } else { _app.log('texts是对象'); texts = setTextFn(Context, texts); } _app.log('返回texts:' + JSON.stringify(texts)); return texts; } function setTextFn(Context, textItem) { _app.log('进入设置文字方法, textItem:' + JSON.stringify(textItem)); if (_app.isNotNull_string(textItem.text)) { textItem.text = String(textItem.text); textItem.alpha = textItem.alpha !== undefined ? Number(textItem.alpha) : 1; textItem.color = textItem.color || 'black'; textItem.size = textItem.size !== undefined ? Number(textItem.size) : 10; textItem.textAlign = textItem.textAlign || 'left'; textItem.textBaseline = textItem.textBaseline || 'middle'; textItem.dx = Number(textItem.dx) || 0; textItem.dy = Number(textItem.dy) || 0; textItem.size = Math.ceil(Number(textItem.size)); _app.log('字符串信息-初始化默认值后:' + JSON.stringify(textItem)); const textLength = countTextLength(Context, { text: textItem.text, size: textItem.size }); _app.log('字符串信息-初始化时的文本长度:' + textLength); let infoCallBackObj = {}; if (textItem.infoCallBack && typeof(textItem.infoCallBack) === 'function') { infoCallBackObj = textItem.infoCallBack(textLength); } textItem = { ...textItem, textLength, ...infoCallBackObj } _app.log('字符串信息-infoCallBack后:' + JSON.stringify(textItem)); } return textItem; } function countTextLength(Context, obj) { _app.log('计算文字长度, obj:' + JSON.stringify(obj)); const { text, size } = obj; Context.setFontSize(size); let textLength; try{ textLength = Context.measureText(text); // 官方文档说 App端自定义组件编译模式暂时不可用measureText方法 }catch(e){ //TODO handle the exception textLength = {}; } textLength = {}; _app.log('measureText计算文字长度, textLength:' + JSON.stringify(textLength)); textLength = textLength && textLength.width ? textLength.width : 0; if (!textLength) { let l = 0; for (let j = 0; j < text.length; j++) { let t = text.substr(j, 1); const countL = countStrLength(t); _app.log('计算文字宽度系数:' + countL); l += countL; } _app.log('文字宽度总系数:' + l); textLength = l * size; } return textLength; } //计算字符长度系数 function countStrLength(t) { let l; if (/a/.test(t)) { l = 0.552734375 } else if (/b/.test(t)) { l = 0.638671875 } else if (/c/.test(t)) { l = 0.50146484375 } else if (/d/.test(t)) { l = 0.6396484375 } else if (/e/.test(t)) { l = 0.5673828125 } else if (/f/.test(t)) { l = 0.3466796875 } else if (/g/.test(t)) { l = 0.6396484375 } else if (/h/.test(t)) { l = 0.61572265625 } else if (/i/.test(t)) { l = 0.26611328125 } else if (/j/.test(t)) { l = 0.26708984375 } else if (/k/.test(t)) { l = 0.54443359375 } else if (/l/.test(t)) { l = 0.26611328125 } else if (/m/.test(t)) { l = 0.93701171875 } else if (/n/.test(t)) { l = 0.6162109375 } else if (/o/.test(t)) { l = 0.6357421875 } else if (/p/.test(t)) { l = 0.638671875 } else if (/q/.test(t)) { l = 0.6396484375 } else if (/r/.test(t)) { l = 0.3818359375 } else if (/s/.test(t)) { l = 0.462890625 } else if (/t/.test(t)) { l = 0.37255859375 } else if (/u/.test(t)) { l = 0.6162109375 } else if (/v/.test(t)) { l = 0.52490234375 } else if (/w/.test(t)) { l = 0.78955078125 } else if (/x/.test(t)) { l = 0.5068359375 } else if (/y/.test(t)) { l = 0.529296875 } else if (/z/.test(t)) { l = 0.49169921875 } else if (/A/.test(t)) { l = 0.70361328125 } else if (/B/.test(t)) { l = 0.62744140625 } else if (/C/.test(t)) { l = 0.6689453125 } else if (/D/.test(t)) { l = 0.76171875 } else if (/E/.test(t)) { l = 0.5498046875 } else if (/F/.test(t)) { l = 0.53125 } else if (/G/.test(t)) { l = 0.74365234375 } else if (/H/.test(t)) { l = 0.7734375 } else if (/I/.test(t)) { l = 0.2939453125 } else if (/J/.test(t)) { l = 0.39599609375 } else if (/K/.test(t)) { l = 0.634765625 } else if (/L/.test(t)) { l = 0.51318359375 } else if (/M/.test(t)) { l = 0.97705078125 } else if (/N/.test(t)) { l = 0.81298828125 } else if (/O/.test(t)) { l = 0.81494140625 } else if (/P/.test(t)) { l = 0.61181640625 } else if (/Q/.test(t)) { l = 0.81494140625 } else if (/R/.test(t)) { l = 0.65283203125 } else if (/S/.test(t)) { l = 0.5771484375 } else if (/T/.test(t)) { l = 0.5732421875 } else if (/U/.test(t)) { l = 0.74658203125 } else if (/V/.test(t)) { l = 0.67626953125 } else if (/W/.test(t)) { l = 1.017578125 } else if (/X/.test(t)) { l = 0.64501953125 } else if (/Y/.test(t)) { l = 0.603515625 } else if (/Z/.test(t)) { l = 0.6201171875 } else if (/[0-9]/.test(t)) { l = 0.58642578125 } else if (/[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/.test(t)) { l = 1 } else if (/ /.test(t)) { l = 0.2958984375 } else if (/\`/.test(t)) { l = 0.294921875 } else if (/\~/.test(t)) { l = 0.74169921875 } else if (/\!/.test(t)) { l = 0.3125 } else if (/\@/.test(t)) { l = 1.03125 } else if (/\#/.test(t)) { l = 0.63818359375 } else if (/\$/.test(t)) { l = 0.58642578125 } else if (/\%/.test(t)) { l = 0.8896484375 } else if (/\^/.test(t)) { l = 0.74169921875 } else if (/\&/.test(t)) { l = 0.8701171875 } else if (/\*/.test(t)) { l = 0.455078125 } else if (/\(/.test(t)) { l = 0.333984375 } else if (/\)/.test(t)) { l = 0.333984375 } else if (/\_/.test(t)) { l = 0.4482421875 } else if (/\-/.test(t)) { l = 0.4326171875 } else if (/\+/.test(t)) { l = 0.74169921875 } else if (/\=/.test(t)) { l = 0.74169921875 } else if (/\|/.test(t)) { l = 0.26904296875 } else if (/\\/.test(t)) { l = 0.416015625 } else if (/\[/.test(t)) { l = 0.333984375 } else if (/\]/.test(t)) { l = 0.333984375 } else if (/\;/.test(t)) { l = 0.24072265625 } else if (/\'/.test(t)) { l = 0.25634765625 } else if (/\,/.test(t)) { l = 0.24072265625 } else if (/\./.test(t)) { l = 0.24072265625 } else if (/\//.test(t)) { l = 0.42724609375 } else if (/\{/.test(t)) { l = 0.333984375 } else if (/\}/.test(t)) { l = 0.333984375 } else if (/\:/.test(t)) { l = 0.24072265625 } else if (/\"/.test(t)) { l = 0.435546875 } else if (/\/.test(t)) { l = 0.74169921875 } else if (/\?/.test(t)) { l = 0.48291015625 } else { l = 1 } return l; } // export function setImage(images) { // 设置图片数据 _app.log('进入设置图片数据方法'); return new Promise(async (resolve, rejcet) => { try { if (images && _app.isArray(images)) { _app.log('images是一个数组'); for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { _app.log('设置图片数据循环中:' + i); images[i] = await setImageFn(images[i]); } } else { _app.log('images是一个对象'); images = await setImageFn(images); } resolve(images); } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception rejcet(e); } }) } function base64ToPathFn(path) { var reg = /^\s*data:([a-z]+\/[a-z0-9-+.]+(;[a-z-]+=[a-z0-9-]+)?)?(;base64)?,([a-z0-9!$&',()*+;=\-._~:@\/?%\s]*?)\s*$/i; if(!reg.test(path)){ return Promise.resolve(path); } return base64ToPath(path); } function setImageFn(image) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if (image.url) { image.url = (await base64ToPathFn(image.url)); let imgUrl = image.url; imgUrl = await _app.downloadFile_PromiseFc(imgUrl); image.url = imgUrl; const hasinfoCallBack = image.infoCallBack && typeof(image.infoCallBack) === 'function'; let imageInfo = {}; imageInfo = await _app.getImageInfo_PromiseFc(imgUrl); if (hasinfoCallBack) { image = { ...image, ...image.infoCallBack(imageInfo) }; } image.dx = Number(image.dx) || 0; image.dy = Number(image.dy) || 0; image.dWidth = Number(image.dWidth || imageInfo.width); image.dHeight = Number(image.dHeight || imageInfo.height); image = { ...image, imageInfo } } resolve(image); }) } // export function drawText(Context, textArray, bgObj) { // 先遍历换行再绘制 if (!_app.isArray(textArray)) { _app.log('遍历文本方法, 不是数组'); textArray = [textArray]; } else { _app.log('遍历文本方法, 是数组'); } _app.log('遍历文本方法, textArray:' + JSON.stringify(textArray)); const newArr = []; if (textArray && textArray.length > 0) { for (let j = 0; j < textArray.length; j++) { const textItem = textArray[j]; if (textItem.text && textItem.lineFeed) { let lineNum = -1, maxWidth = bgObj.width, lineHeight = textItem.size, dx = textItem.dx; if (_app.isObject(textItem.lineFeed)) { const lineFeed = textItem.lineFeed; lineNum = (lineFeed.lineNum !== undefined && typeof(lineFeed.lineNum) === 'number') && lineFeed.lineNum >= 0 ? lineFeed.lineNum : lineNum; maxWidth = (lineFeed.maxWidth !== undefined && typeof(lineFeed.maxWidth) === 'number') ? lineFeed.maxWidth : maxWidth; lineHeight = (lineFeed.lineHeight !== undefined && typeof(lineFeed.lineHeight) === 'number') ? lineFeed.lineHeight : lineHeight; dx = (lineFeed.dx !== undefined && typeof(lineFeed.dx) === 'number') ? lineFeed.dx : dx; } const chr = (textItem.text).split(""); let temp = ""; const row = []; //循环出几行文字组成数组 for (let a = 0, len = chr.length; a < len; a++) { if (countTextLength(Context, { text: temp, size: textItem.size }) <= maxWidth && countTextLength(Context, { text: (temp + chr[a]), size: textItem.size }) <= maxWidth) { temp += chr[a]; if (a == (chr.length - 1)) { row.push(temp); } } else { row.push(temp); temp = chr[a]; } } _app.log('循环出的文本数组:' + JSON.stringify(row)); //只显示几行 变量间距lineHeight 变量行数lineNum let allNum = (lineNum >= 0 && lineNum < row.length) ? lineNum : row.length; for (let i = 0; i < allNum; i++) { let str = row[i]; if (i == (allNum - 1) && allNum < row.length) { str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1) + '...'; } const obj = { ...textItem, text: str, dx: i === 0 ? textItem.dx : (dx >= 0 ? dx : textItem.dx), dy: textItem.dy + (i * lineHeight), textLength: countTextLength(Context, { text: str, size: textItem.size }) }; _app.log('重新组成的文本对象:' + JSON.stringify(obj)); newArr.push(obj); } } else { newArr.push(textItem); } } } _app.log('绘制文本新数组:' + JSON.stringify(newArr)); drawTexts(Context, newArr); } function setFont(textItem = {}) { if (textItem.font && typeof(textItem.font) === 'string') { _app.log(textItem.font) return textItem.font; } else { let fontStyle = 'normal'; let fontVariant = 'normal'; let fontWeight = 'normal'; let fontSize = textItem.size || 10; let fontFamily = 'sans-serif'; fontSize = Math.ceil(Number(fontSize)); if (textItem.fontStyle && typeof(textItem.fontStyle) === 'string') fontStyle = textItem.fontStyle.trim(); if (textItem.fontVariant && typeof(textItem.fontVariant) === 'string') fontVariant = textItem.fontVariant.trim(); if (textItem.fontWeight && (typeof(textItem.fontWeight) === 'string' || typeof(textItem.fontWeight) === 'number')) fontWeight = textItem.fontWeight.trim(); if (textItem.fontFamily && typeof(textItem.fontFamily) === 'string') fontFamily = textItem.fontFamily.trim(); return fontStyle + ' ' + fontVariant + ' ' + fontWeight + ' ' + fontSize + 'px' + ' ' + fontFamily; } } function drawTexts(Context, texts) { // 绘制文本 _app.log('准备绘制文本方法, texts:' + JSON.stringify(texts)); if (texts && _app.isArray(texts)) { _app.log('准备绘制文本方法, 是数组'); if (texts.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) { drawTextFn(Context, texts[i]); } } } else { _app.log('准备绘制文本方法, 不是数组'); drawTextFn(Context, texts); } } function drawTextFn(Context, textItem) { _app.log('进入绘制文本方法, textItem:' + JSON.stringify(textItem)); if (textItem && _app.isObject(textItem) && textItem.text) { Context.font = setFont(textItem); Context.setFillStyle(textItem.color); Context.setGlobalAlpha(textItem.alpha); Context.setTextAlign(textItem.textAlign); Context.setTextBaseline(textItem.textBaseline); Context.fillText(textItem.text, textItem.dx, textItem.dy); if (textItem.lineThrough && _app.isObject(textItem.lineThrough)) { _app.log('有删除线'); let lineThrough = textItem.lineThrough; lineThrough.alpha = lineThrough.alpha !== undefined ? lineThrough.alpha : textItem.alpha; = || textItem.color; lineThrough.width = lineThrough.width !== undefined ? lineThrough.width : textItem.size / 10; lineThrough.cap = lineThrough.cap !== undefined ? lineThrough.cap : 'butt'; _app.log('删除线对象:' + JSON.stringify(lineThrough)); Context.setGlobalAlpha(lineThrough.alpha); Context.setStrokeStyle(; Context.setLineWidth(lineThrough.width); Context.setLineCap(lineThrough.cap); let mx, my; switch (textItem.textAlign) { case 'left': mx = textItem.dx; break; case 'center': mx = textItem.dx - (textItem.textLength) / 2; break; default: mx = textItem.dx - (textItem.textLength); break; } switch (textItem.textBaseline) { case 'top': my = textItem.dy + (textItem.size * .5); break; case 'middle': my = textItem.dy; break; default: my = textItem.dy - (textItem.size * .5); break; } Context.beginPath(); Context.moveTo(mx, my); Context.lineTo(mx + textItem.textLength, my); Context.stroke(); Context.closePath(); _app.log('删除线完毕'); } Context.setGlobalAlpha(1); Context.font = '10px sans-serif'; } } // export function drawImage(Context, images) { // 绘制图片 _app.log('判断图片数据类型:' + JSON.stringify(images)) if (images && _app.isArray(images)) { if (images.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { readyDrawImageFn(Context, images[i]); } } } else { readyDrawImageFn(Context, images); } } function readyDrawImageFn(Context, img) { _app.log('判断绘制图片形状, img:' + JSON.stringify(img)); if (img.url) { if (img.circleSet) { drawCircleImage(Context, img); } else if (img.roundRectSet) { drawRoundRectImage(Context, img); } else { drawImageFn(Context, img); } } } function drawImageFn(Context, img) { _app.log('进入绘制默认图片方法, img:' + JSON.stringify(img)); if (img.url) { const hasAlpha = !_app.isUndef(img.alpha); img.alpha = Number(!_app.isUndef(img.alpha) ? img.alpha : 1); Context.setGlobalAlpha(img.alpha); _app.log('绘制默认图片方法, 有url'); if (img.dWidth && img.dHeight && && && img.sWidth && img.sHeight) { _app.log('绘制默认图片方法, 绘制第一种方案'); Context.drawImage(img.url, Number( || false, Number( || false, Number(img.sWidth) || false, Number(img.sHeight) || false, Number(img.dx || 0), Number(img.dy || 0), Number(img.dWidth) || false, Number(img.dHeight) || false,); } else if (img.dWidth && img.dHeight) { _app.log('绘制默认图片方法, 绘制第二种方案'); Context.drawImage(img.url, Number(img.dx || 0), Number(img.dy || 0), Number(img.dWidth) || false, Number(img.dHeight) || false); } else { _app.log('绘制默认图片方法, 绘制第三种方案'); Context.drawImage(img.url, Number(img.dx || 0), Number(img.dy || 0)); } if (hasAlpha) { Context.setGlobalAlpha(1); } } _app.log('绘制默认图片方法, 绘制完毕'); } function drawCircleImage(Context, obj) { _app.log('进入绘制圆形图片方法, obj:' + JSON.stringify(obj)); let { dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight, circleSet, imageInfo } = obj; let x, y, r; if (typeof circleSet === 'object') { x = circleSet.x; y = circleSet.y; r = circleSet.r; } if (!r) { let d; d = dWidth > dHeight ? dHeight : dWidth; r = d / 2; } x = x ? dx + x : (dx || 0) + r; y = y ? dy + y : (dy || 0) + r;; Context.beginPath(); Context.arc(x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); Context.closePath(); Context.setGlobalAlpha(0); Context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; Context.fill(); Context.setGlobalAlpha(1); Context.clip(); drawImageFn(Context, obj); _app.log('默认图片绘制完毕'); Context.restore(); } function drawRoundRectImage(Context, obj) { // 绘制矩形 _app.log('进入绘制矩形图片方法, obj:' + JSON.stringify(obj));; let { dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight, roundRectSet, imageInfo } = obj; let r; if (typeof roundRectSet === 'object') { r = roundRectSet.r; } r = r || dWidth * .1; if (dWidth < 2 * r) { r = dWidth / 2; } if (dHeight < 2 * r) { r = dHeight / 2; } Context.beginPath(); Context.moveTo(dx + r, dy); Context.arcTo(dx + dWidth, dy, dx + dWidth, dy + dHeight, r); Context.arcTo(dx + dWidth, dy + dHeight, dx, dy + dHeight, r); Context.arcTo(dx, dy + dHeight, dx, dy, r); Context.arcTo(dx, dy, dx + dWidth, dy, r); Context.closePath(); Context.setGlobalAlpha(0); Context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; Context.fill(); Context.setGlobalAlpha(1); Context.clip(); drawImageFn(Context, obj); Context.restore(); _app.log('进入绘制矩形图片方法, 绘制完毕'); } // export function drawQrCode(Context, qrCodeObj) { //生成二维码方法, 参考了 诗小柒 的二维码生成器代码 _app.log('进入绘制二维码方法') _app.showLoading('正在生成二维码'); let qrcodeAlgObjCache = []; let options = { text: String(qrCodeObj.text || '') || '', // 生成内容 size: Number(qrCodeObj.size || 0) || 200, // 二维码大小 background: String(qrCodeObj.background || '') || '#ffffff', // 背景色 foreground: String(qrCodeObj.foreground || '') || '#000000', // 前景色 pdground: String(qrCodeObj.pdground || '') || '#000000', // 定位角点颜色 correctLevel: Number(qrCodeObj.correctLevel || 0) || 3, // 容错级别 image: String(qrCodeObj.image || '') || '', // 二维码图标 imageSize: Number(qrCodeObj.imageSize || 0) || 40, // 二维码图标大小 dx: Number(qrCodeObj.dx || 0) || 0, // x轴距离 dy: Number(qrCodeObj.dy || 0) || 0 // y轴距离 } let qrCodeAlg = null; let d = 0; for (var i = 0, l = qrcodeAlgObjCache.length; i < l; i++) { d = i; if (qrcodeAlgObjCache[i].text == options.text && qrcodeAlgObjCache[i].text.correctLevel == options.correctLevel) { qrCodeAlg = qrcodeAlgObjCache[i].obj; break; } } if (d == l) { qrCodeAlg = new QRCodeAlg(options.text, options.correctLevel); qrcodeAlgObjCache.push({ text: options.text, correctLevel: options.correctLevel, obj: qrCodeAlg }); } let getForeGround = function(config) { let options = config.options; if (options.pdground && ( (config.row > 1 && config.row < 5 && config.col > 1 && config.col < 5) || (config.row > (config.count - 6) && config.row < (config.count - 2) && config.col > 1 && config.col < 5) || (config.row > 1 && config.row < 5 && config.col > (config.count - 6) && config.col < (config.count - 2)) )) { return options.pdground; } return options.foreground; } let count = qrCodeAlg.getModuleCount(); let ratioSize = options.size; let ratioImgSize = options.imageSize; //计算每个点的长宽 let tileW = (ratioSize / count).toPrecision(4); let tileH = (ratioSize / count).toPrecision(4); //绘制 for (let row = 0; row < count; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < count; col++) { let w = (Math.ceil((col + 1) * tileW) - Math.floor(col * tileW)); let h = (Math.ceil((row + 1) * tileW) - Math.floor(row * tileW)); let foreground = getForeGround({ row: row, col: col, count: count, options: options }); Context.setFillStyle(qrCodeAlg.modules[row][col] ? foreground : options.background); Context.fillRect(options.dx + Math.round(col * tileW), options.dy + Math.round(row * tileH), w, h); } } if (options.image) { let x = options.dx + Number(((ratioSize - ratioImgSize) / 2).toFixed(2)); let y = options.dy + Number(((ratioSize - ratioImgSize) / 2).toFixed(2)); drawRoundedRect(Context, x, y, ratioImgSize, ratioImgSize, 2, 6, true, true) Context.drawImage(options.image, x, y, ratioImgSize, ratioImgSize); // 画圆角矩形 function drawRoundedRect(ctxi, x, y, width, height, r, lineWidth, fill, stroke) { ctxi.setLineWidth(lineWidth); ctxi.setFillStyle(options.background); ctxi.setStrokeStyle(options.background); ctxi.beginPath(); // draw top and top right corner ctxi.moveTo(x + r, y); ctxi.arcTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + r, r); // draw right side and bottom right corner ctxi.arcTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - r, y + height, r); // draw bottom and bottom left corner ctxi.arcTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - r, r); // draw left and top left corner ctxi.arcTo(x, y, x + r, y, r); ctxi.closePath(); if (fill) { ctxi.fill(); } if (stroke) { ctxi.stroke(); } } } _app.log('进入绘制二维码方法完毕') _app.hideLoading(); } function getShreUserPosterBackground(objs) { //检查背景图是否存在于本地, 若存在直接返回, 否则调用getShreUserPosterBackgroundFc方法 let { backgroundImage, type } = objs; return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { _app.showLoading('正在获取海报背景图'); const savedFilePath = await getShreUserPosterBackgroundFc(objs) _app.hideLoading(); resolve(savedFilePath); } catch (e) { _app.hideLoading(); _app.showToast('获取分享用户背景图失败:' + JSON.stringify(e)); _app.log(JSON.stringify(e)); reject(e); } }) } function getPosterStorage(type) { return _app.getStorageSync(getStorageKey(type)); } function removePosterStorage(type) { const ShreUserPosterBackgroundKey = getStorageKey(type); const pbg = _app.getStorageSync(ShreUserPosterBackgroundKey); if (pbg && pbg.path) { _app.removeStorageSync(ShreUserPosterBackgroundKey); } } function setPosterStorage(type, data) { _app.setStorage(getStorageKey(type), data); } function getStorageKey(type) { return ShreUserPosterBackgroundKey + (type || 'default'); } function getShreUserPosterBackgroundFc(objs, upimage) { //下载并保存背景图方法 let { backgroundImage, type } = objs; _app.log('获取分享背景图, 尝试清空本地数据'); return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { _app.showLoading('正在下载海报背景图'); _app.log('没有从后端获取的背景图片路径, 尝试从后端获取背景图片路径'); let image = backgroundImage?backgroundImage:(await _app.getPosterUrl(objs)); image = (await base64ToPathFn(image)); _app.log('尝试下载并保存背景图:' + image); const savedFilePath = await _app.downLoadAndSaveFile_PromiseFc(image); if (savedFilePath) { _app.log('下载并保存背景图成功:' + savedFilePath); const imageObj = await _app.getImageInfo_PromiseFc(savedFilePath); _app.log('获取图片信息成功'); const returnObj = { path: savedFilePath, width: imageObj.width, height: imageObj.height, name: _app.fileNameInPath(image) } _app.log('拼接背景图信息对象成功:' + JSON.stringify(returnObj)); // #ifndef H5 setPosterStorage(type, { ...returnObj }); // #endif _app.hideLoading(); _app.log('返回背景图信息对象'); resolve({ ...returnObj }); } else { _app.hideLoading(); reject('not find savedFilePath'); } } catch (e) { //TODO handle the exception reject(e); } }); } module.exports = { getSharePoster, setText, setImage, drawText, drawImage, drawQrCode, drawFillRect, drawStrokeRect, drawRoundStrokeRect, drawRoundFillRect }