You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

248 lines
6.2 KiB

<view style="background: #FFFFFF;">
<!-- <view v-if="loading"></view> -->
<canvas v-if="!tempFilePath" :canvas-id="CanvasID" :style="{ width: canvasW + 'px', height: canvasH + 'px' }"></canvas>
<image v-else lazy-load :src="tempFilePath" mode="widthFix" class="is-response" @longpress="toSave(tempFilePath)"></image>
var _this;
export default {
name: 'wm-poster',
props: {
CanvasID: {
//CanvasID 等同于 canvas-id
Type: String,
default: 'PosterCanvas'
imgSrc: {
Type: String,
default: ''
QrSrc: {
Type: String,
default: ''
Title: {
Type: String,
default: ''
TitleColor: {
Type: String,
default: '#000000'
LineType: {
//标题显示行数 (注超出2行显示会导致画布布局絮乱)
Type: [String, Boolean],
default: true
PriceTxt: {
Type: String,
default: ''
PriceColor: {
Type: String,
default: '#e31d1a'
OriginalTxt: {
Type: String,
default: ''
OriginalColor: {
Type: String,
default: '#b8b8b8'
Width: {
//画布宽度 (高度根据图片比例计算 单位upx)
Type: String,
default: 700
CanvasBg: {
Type: String,
default: '#ffffff'
Referrer: {
Type: String,
default: ''
ViewDetails: {
Type: String,
default: '长按或扫描识别二维码'
data() {
return {
loading: false,
tempFilePath: '',
canvasW: 0,
canvasH: 0,
canvasImgSrc: '',
ctx: null
methods: {
toSave(url) {
//#ifndef H5
src: url,
success: function(image) {
console.log('图片信息:', JSON.stringify(image));
filePath: image.path,
success: function() {
console.log('save success');
title: '海报已保存相册',
icon: 'success',
duration: 2000
async OnCanvas() {
this.loading = true;
// this.$queue.showLoading('海报生成中...');
_this.ctx = uni.createCanvasContext(_this.CanvasID, this);
const C_W = uni.upx2px(_this.Width), //canvas宽度
C_P = uni.upx2px(30), //canvas Paddng 间距
C_Q = uni.upx2px(150); //二维码或太阳码宽高
let _strlineW = 0; //文本宽度
let _imgInfo = await _this.getImageInfo({
imgSrc: _this.imgSrc
}); //广告图
let _QrCode = await _this.getImageInfo({
imgSrc: _this.QrSrc
}); //二维码或太阳码
let r = [_imgInfo.width, _imgInfo.height];
let q = [_QrCode.width, _QrCode.height];
let imgW = C_W - C_P * 2-8;
if (r[0] != imgW) {
r[1] = Math.floor((imgW / r[0]) * r[1]);
r[0] = imgW;
if (q[0] != C_Q) {
q[1] = Math.floor((C_Q / q[0]) * q[1]);
q[0] = C_Q;
_this.canvasW = C_W;
_this.canvasH = r[1] + q[1] + 68;
_this.ctx.setFillStyle(_this.CanvasBg); //canvas背景颜色
_this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, C_W, _this.canvasH); //canvas画布大小
_this.ctx.drawImage(_imgInfo.path, C_P, C_P, r[0], r[1]);
//添加图片展示 end
//#ifdef H5
_this.ctx.setFontSize(uni.upx2px(32)); //设置标题字体大小
//#ifdef APP-PLUS
_this.ctx.setFontSize(uni.upx2px(36)); //设置标题字体大小
_this.ctx.setFillStyle(_this.TitleColor); //设置标题文本颜色
let _strLastIndex = 0; //每次开始截取的字符串的索引
let _strHeight = r[1] + C_P * 2 + 10; //绘制字体距离canvas顶部的初始高度
let _num = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < _this.Title.length; i++) {
_strlineW += _this.ctx.measureText(_this.Title[i]).width;
if (_strlineW > r[0]) {
if (_num == 2 && _this.LineType) {
_this.ctx.fillText(_this.Title.substring(_strLastIndex, i - 8) + '...', C_P, _strHeight);
_strlineW = 0;
_strLastIndex = i;
} else {
_this.ctx.fillText(_this.Title.substring(_strLastIndex, i), C_P, _strHeight);
_strlineW = 0;
_strHeight += 20;
_strLastIndex = i;
} else if (i == _this.Title.length - 1) {
_this.ctx.fillText(_this.Title.substring(_strLastIndex, i + 1), C_P, _strHeight);
_strlineW = 0;
//设置文本 end
_strHeight += uni.upx2px(20);
_this.ctx.drawImage(_QrCode.path, r[0] - q[0] + C_P, _strHeight, q[0], q[1]);
//添加二维码 end
_this.ctx.fillText(_this.Referrer, C_P, _strHeight + q[1] / 2);
_this.ctx.fillText(_this.ViewDetails, C_P, _strHeight + q[1] / 2 + 20);
//添加推荐人与描述 end
setTimeout(function() {
_this.ctx.draw(true, ret => {
}, 600);
async getImageInfo({
}) {
return new Promise((resolve, errs) => {
src: imgSrc,
success: function(image) {
fail(err) {
getNewImage() {
canvasId: _this.CanvasID,
quality: 1,
complete: res => {
_this.tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath;
_this.$emit('success', res);
_this.loading = false;
mounted() {
_this = this;