6 changed files with 262 additions and 11 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="konwledge-index index"> |
<view class="header header-search acea-row row-center-wrapper"> |
<view @click="goGoodSearch()" class="search acea-row row-middle"> |
<text class="iconfont icon-xiazai5"></text> |
搜索商品 |
</view> |
<!-- #ifndef H5 --> |
<view class="qr" @click="startQr()" v-if="$deviceType !== 'weixin'"> |
<image :src="`${$VUE_APP_RESOURCES_URL}/images/qr.png`" /> |
</view> |
<!-- #endif --> |
</view> |
<view class="content-box"> |
<wuc-tab |
:tab-list="tabList" |
:tabCur.sync="TabCur" |
@change="tabChange" |
tab-class="text-center text-black bg-white" select-class="text-orange text-xl"> |
</wuc-tab> |
<SecondMenu |
:menuList="secondMenu" |
:active.sync="active" |
@secondMenuClick="secondMenuClick"> |
</SecondMenu> |
<view class="knowledge-list"> |
<view class="knowledge-item acea-row" v-for="item in articleList" @click="toDetail(item.id)"> |
<view class="img-box"> |
<image :src="item.imageInput" mode=""></image> |
</view> |
<view class="knowledge-info-box"> |
<view class="title line1">{{item.title}}</view> |
<view class="intro line2">{{item.synopsis}}</view> |
<view class="type-box acea-row"> |
<view class="tip blue">{{item.chargeType == 0 ? '免费' : item.articleCharge}}</view> |
<view class="time">{{item.addTime}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import WucTab from '@/components/wuc-tab/wuc-tab.vue'; |
import SecondMenu from '../knowledge/components/secondMenu.vue'; |
import { getCategory,getArticle } from '@/api/knowledge'; |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
TabCur: null, |
tabList: [{categoryName:'七雅',id:10},{categoryName:'武当',id:12},], |
secondMenu:[], |
active:null, |
articleList:[] |
} |
}, |
components: { WucTab,SecondMenu }, |
onLoad() { |
return false |
getCategory().then((res)=>{ |
this.tabList = res.data |
this.$set(this, 'tabList', res.data) |
this.$set(this, 'secondMenu', res.data[0].categoryList) |
this.$set(this, 'TabCur', res.data[0].id) |
if(res.data[0].categoryList.length > 0){ |
this.$set(this, 'active', res.data[0].categoryList[0].id) |
} |
}).then(()=>{ |
this.getArticle() |
}) |
}, |
methods: { |
toDetail(id){ |
this.$yrouter.push({ |
path: '/pages/knowledge/detail', |
query: { |
id: id, |
}, |
}) |
}, |
getArticle(){ |
var cid = null; |
this.active == null ? cid = this.TabCur : cid = this.active |
getArticle({cid:cid}).then((res)=>{ |
if(res.success){ |
this.articleList = res.data |
} |
}) |
}, |
tabChange(item) { |
if(item.categoryList.length > 0){ |
this.$set(this, 'active', item.categoryList[0].id) |
} |
this.secondMenu = item.categoryList; |
this.TabCur = item.id; |
this.getArticle() |
}, |
secondMenuClick(item){ |
this.active = item.id; |
this.getArticle() |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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image{ |
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font-size: 28rpx; |
color: #999999; |
line-height: 40rpx; |
margin: 8rpx 0 36rpx; |
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font-size: 24rpx; |
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color: #EB5744; |
font-size: 40rpx !important; |
border-color: #EB5744; |
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Reference in new issue