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* @license Data plugin for Highcharts
* (c) 2012-2013 Torstein Hønsi
* Last revision 2013-06-07
* License:
* The Highcharts Data plugin is a utility to ease parsing of input sources like
* CSV, HTML tables or grid views into basic configuration options for use
* directly in the Highcharts constructor.
* Demo:
* --- OPTIONS ---
* - columns : Array<Array<Mixed>>
* A two-dimensional array representing the input data on tabular form. This input can
* be used when the data is already parsed, for example from a grid view component.
* Each cell can be a string or number. If not switchRowsAndColumns is set, the columns
* are interpreted as series. See also the rows option.
* - complete : Function(chartOptions)
* The callback that is evaluated when the data is finished loading, optionally from an
* external source, and parsed. The first argument passed is a finished chart options
* object, containing series and an xAxis with categories if applicable. Thise options
* can be extended with additional options and passed directly to the chart constructor.
* - csv : String
* A comma delimited string to be parsed. Related options are startRow, endRow, startColumn
* and endColumn to delimit what part of the table is used. The lineDelimiter and
* itemDelimiter options define the CSV delimiter formats.
* - endColumn : Integer
* In tabular input data, the first row (indexed by 0) to use. Defaults to the last
* column containing data.
* - endRow : Integer
* In tabular input data, the last row (indexed by 0) to use. Defaults to the last row
* containing data.
* - googleSpreadsheetKey : String
* A Google Spreadsheet key. See
* for general information on GS.
* - googleSpreadsheetWorksheet : String
* The Google Spreadsheet worksheet. The available id's can be read from
* - itemDelimiter : String
* Item or cell delimiter for parsing CSV. Defaults to ",".
* - lineDelimiter : String
* Line delimiter for parsing CSV. Defaults to "\n".
* - parsed : Function
* A callback function to access the parsed columns, the two-dimentional input data
* array directly, before they are interpreted into series data and categories.
* - parseDate : Function
* A callback function to parse string representations of dates into JavaScript timestamps.
* Return an integer on success.
* - rows : Array<Array<Mixed>>
* The same as the columns input option, but defining rows intead of columns.
* - startColumn : Integer
* In tabular input data, the first column (indexed by 0) to use.
* - startRow : Integer
* In tabular input data, the first row (indexed by 0) to use.
* - table : String|HTMLElement
* A HTML table or the id of such to be parsed as input data. Related options ara startRow,
* endRow, startColumn and endColumn to delimit what part of the table is used.
// JSLint options:
/*global jQuery */
(function (Highcharts) {
// Utilities
var each = Highcharts.each;
// The Data constructor
var Data = function (dataOptions, chartOptions) {
this.init(dataOptions, chartOptions);
// Set the prototype properties
Highcharts.extend(Data.prototype, {
* Initialize the Data object with the given options
init: function (options, chartOptions) {
this.options = options;
this.chartOptions = chartOptions;
this.columns = options.columns || this.rowsToColumns(options.rows) || [];
// No need to parse or interpret anything
if (this.columns.length) {
// Parse and interpret
} else {
// Parse a CSV string if options.csv is given
// Parse a HTML table if options.table is given
// Parse a Google Spreadsheet
* Get the column distribution. For example, a line series takes a single column for
* Y values. A range series takes two columns for low and high values respectively,
* and an OHLC series takes four columns.
getColumnDistribution: function () {
var chartOptions = this.chartOptions,
getValueCount = function (type) {
return (Highcharts.seriesTypes[type || 'line'].prototype.pointArrayMap || [0]).length;
globalType = chartOptions && chartOptions.chart && chartOptions.chart.type,
individualCounts = [];
each((chartOptions && chartOptions.series) || [], function (series) {
individualCounts.push(getValueCount(series.type || globalType));
this.valueCount = {
global: getValueCount(globalType),
individual: individualCounts
dataFound: function () {
// Interpret the values into right types
// Use first row for series names?
// Handle columns if a handleColumns callback is given
// Complete if a complete callback is given
* Parse a CSV input string
parseCSV: function () {
var self = this,
options = this.options,
csv = options.csv,
columns = this.columns,
startRow = options.startRow || 0,
endRow = options.endRow || Number.MAX_VALUE,
startColumn = options.startColumn || 0,
endColumn = options.endColumn || Number.MAX_VALUE,
activeRowNo = 0;
if (csv) {
lines = csv
.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n") // Unix
.replace(/\r/g, "\n") // Mac
.split(options.lineDelimiter || "\n");
each(lines, function (line, rowNo) {
var trimmed = self.trim(line),
isComment = trimmed.indexOf('#') === 0,
isBlank = trimmed === '',
if (rowNo >= startRow && rowNo <= endRow && !isComment && !isBlank) {
items = line.split(options.itemDelimiter || ',');
each(items, function (item, colNo) {
if (colNo >= startColumn && colNo <= endColumn) {
if (!columns[colNo - startColumn]) {
columns[colNo - startColumn] = [];
columns[colNo - startColumn][activeRowNo] = item;
activeRowNo += 1;
* Parse a HTML table
parseTable: function () {
var options = this.options,
table = options.table,
columns = this.columns,
startRow = options.startRow || 0,
endRow = options.endRow || Number.MAX_VALUE,
startColumn = options.startColumn || 0,
endColumn = options.endColumn || Number.MAX_VALUE,
if (table) {
if (typeof table === 'string') {
table = document.getElementById(table);
each(table.getElementsByTagName('tr'), function (tr, rowNo) {
colNo = 0;
if (rowNo >= startRow && rowNo <= endRow) {
each(tr.childNodes, function (item) {
if ((item.tagName === 'TD' || item.tagName === 'TH') && colNo >= startColumn && colNo <= endColumn) {
if (!columns[colNo]) {
columns[colNo] = [];
columns[colNo][rowNo - startRow] = item.innerHTML;
colNo += 1;
this.dataFound(); // continue
* - switchRowsAndColumns
parseGoogleSpreadsheet: function () {
var self = this,
options = this.options,
googleSpreadsheetKey = options.googleSpreadsheetKey,
columns = this.columns,
startRow = options.startRow || 0,
endRow = options.endRow || Number.MAX_VALUE,
startColumn = options.startColumn || 0,
endColumn = options.endColumn || Number.MAX_VALUE,
gr, // google row
gc; // google column
if (googleSpreadsheetKey) {
jQuery.getJSON('' +
googleSpreadsheetKey + '/' + (options.googleSpreadsheetWorksheet || 'od6') +
function (json) {
// Prepare the data from the spreadsheat
var cells = json.feed.entry,
cellCount = cells.length,
colCount = 0,
rowCount = 0,
// First, find the total number of columns and rows that
// are actually filled with data
for (i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
cell = cells[i];
colCount = Math.max(colCount,$cell.col);
rowCount = Math.max(rowCount,$cell.row);
// Set up arrays containing the column data
for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
if (i >= startColumn && i <= endColumn) {
// Create new columns with the length of either end-start or rowCount
columns[i - startColumn] = [];
// Setting the length to avoid jslint warning
columns[i - startColumn].length = Math.min(rowCount, endRow - startRow);
// Loop over the cells and assign the value to the right
// place in the column arrays
for (i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
cell = cells[i];
gr =$cell.row - 1; // rows start at 1
gc =$cell.col - 1; // columns start at 1
// If both row and col falls inside start and end
// set the transposed cell value in the newly created columns
if (gc >= startColumn && gc <= endColumn &&
gr >= startRow && gr <= endRow) {
columns[gc - startColumn][gr - startRow] = cell.content.$t;
* Find the header row. For now, we just check whether the first row contains
* numbers or strings. Later we could loop down and find the first row with
* numbers.
findHeaderRow: function () {
var headerRow = 0;
each(this.columns, function (column) {
if (typeof column[0] !== 'string') {
headerRow = null;
this.headerRow = 0;
* Trim a string from whitespace
trim: function (str) {
return typeof str === 'string' ? str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') : str;
* Parse numeric cells in to number types and date types in to true dates.
* @param {Object} columns
parseTypes: function () {
var columns = this.columns,
col = columns.length,
while (col--) {
row = columns[col].length;
while (row--) {
val = columns[col][row];
floatVal = parseFloat(val);
trimVal = this.trim(val);
/*jslint eqeq: true*/
if (trimVal == floatVal) { // is numeric
/*jslint eqeq: false*/
columns[col][row] = floatVal;
// If the number is greater than milliseconds in a year, assume datetime
if (floatVal > 365 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) {
columns[col].isDatetime = true;
} else {
columns[col].isNumeric = true;
} else { // string, continue to determine if it is a date string or really a string
dateVal = this.parseDate(val);
if (col === 0 && typeof dateVal === 'number' && !isNaN(dateVal)) { // is date
columns[col][row] = dateVal;
columns[col].isDatetime = true;
} else { // string
columns[col][row] = trimVal === '' ? null : trimVal;
dateFormats: {
'YYYY-mm-dd': {
regex: '^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$',
parser: function (match) {
return Date.UTC(+match[1], match[2] - 1, +match[3]);
// */
* Parse a date and return it as a number. Overridable through options.parseDate.
parseDate: function (val) {
var parseDate = this.options.parseDate,
if (parseDate) {
ret = parseDate(val);
if (typeof val === 'string') {
for (key in this.dateFormats) {
format = this.dateFormats[key];
match = val.match(format.regex);
if (match) {
ret = format.parser(match);
return ret;
* Reorganize rows into columns
rowsToColumns: function (rows) {
var row,
if (rows) {
columns = [];
rowsLength = rows.length;
for (row = 0; row < rowsLength; row++) {
colsLength = rows[row].length;
for (col = 0; col < colsLength; col++) {
if (!columns[col]) {
columns[col] = [];
columns[col][row] = rows[row][col];
return columns;
* A hook for working directly on the parsed columns
parsed: function () {
if (this.options.parsed) {, this.columns);
* If a complete callback function is provided in the options, interpret the
* columns into a Highcharts options object.
complete: function () {
var columns = this.columns,
options = this.options,
if (options.complete) {
// Use first column for X data or categories?
if (columns.length > 1) {
firstCol = columns.shift();
if (this.headerRow === 0) {
firstCol.shift(); // remove the first cell
if (firstCol.isDatetime) {
type = 'datetime';
} else if (!firstCol.isNumeric) {
type = 'category';
// Get the names and shift the top row
for (i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
if (this.headerRow === 0) {
columns[i].name = columns[i].shift();
// Use the next columns for series
series = [];
for (i = 0, seriesIndex = 0; i < columns.length; seriesIndex++) {
// This series' value count
valueCount = Highcharts.pick(this.valueCount.individual[seriesIndex],;
// Iterate down the cells of each column and add data to the series
data = [];
for (j = 0; j < columns[i].length; j++) {
data[j] = [
columns[i][j] !== undefined ? columns[i][j] : null
if (valueCount > 1) {
data[j].push(columns[i + 1][j] !== undefined ? columns[i + 1][j] : null);
if (valueCount > 2) {
data[j].push(columns[i + 2][j] !== undefined ? columns[i + 2][j] : null);
if (valueCount > 3) {
data[j].push(columns[i + 3][j] !== undefined ? columns[i + 3][j] : null);
if (valueCount > 4) {
data[j].push(columns[i + 4][j] !== undefined ? columns[i + 4][j] : null);
// Add the series
series[seriesIndex] = {
name: columns[i].name,
data: data
i += valueCount;
// Do the callback
xAxis: {
type: type
series: series
// Register the Data prototype and data function on Highcharts
Highcharts.Data = Data; = function (options, chartOptions) {
return new Data(options, chartOptions);
// Extend Chart.init so that the Chart constructor accepts a new configuration
// option group, data.
Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Chart.prototype, 'init', function (proceed, userOptions, callback) {
var chart = this;
if (userOptions && {, {
complete: function (dataOptions) {
// Merge series configs
if (userOptions.series) {
each(userOptions.series, function (series, i) {
userOptions.series[i] = Highcharts.merge(series, dataOptions.series[i]);
// Do the merge
userOptions = Highcharts.merge(dataOptions, userOptions);, userOptions, callback);
}), userOptions);
} else {, userOptions, callback);