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3 years ago
<view class="user-index-box">
<view class="user-index-top">
<image src="" class="top-bg"></image>
<!-- <view class="back-btn" bindtap="backUserIndex" style="top: {{CustomBar}}rpx;"><image src="../../../images/icon-home.png"></image></view> -->
<view class="user-info-box acea-row">
<view class="header-img"><image :src="pageData.avatar"></image></view>
<view class="user-info acea-row row-column row-around">
<view class="user-name line1">{{pageData.nickname}}</view>
<view class="user-title acea-row row-middle">
<image src="/static/images/user-title.png"></image>
<image class="backhome" src="/static/images/backhome.png" @tap="backUserIndex"></image>
<view class="menu-box">
<view class="menu-title-box acea-row row-between row-middle">
<view class="see-more fz20 acea-row row-middle" style="margin-right:12rpx;" @tap="toMoreMenu">
<image src="/static/images/arrow-r.png"></image>
<view class="menu-list">
<scroll-view class="scroll-view_H" scroll-x="true">
<view v-for="(item, index) in menuList" :key="index" class="menu-item">
<image :src="item.icon"></image>
<view class="myIncome-box">
<view class="menu-title-box acea-row row-between row-middle">
<view class="see-more fz20 acea-row row-middle" @tap="toIncomeDetail">
<image src="/static/images/arrow-r.png"></image>
<view class="income-box">
<image src="/static/images/income-bg.png"></image>
<view class="income-l acea-row row-column row-middle row-around">
<view class="t">累计邀请</view>
<view class="num">{{pageData.inviterCount}}</view>
<view class="btn" @tap="toIncomeDetail">查看</view>
<view class="income-line"></view>
<view class="income-l income-r acea-row row-column row-middle row-around">
<view class="t">累计收益</view>
<view class="num">{{pageData.brokeragePrice}}</view>
<view class="btn" @tap="tixian">提现</view>
<view class="invitation-list-box">
<view class="invi-title">邀请榜</view>
<view class="list-box">
<view class="medal-box acea-row row-center">
<view class="medal medal2">
<image src="/static/images/no2-bg.png" class="medal-bg"></image>
<image src="/static/images/no2.png" class="medal-icon"></image>
<view class="medal-content">
<view class="user-header"><image :src="pageData.userProfitList[1].avatar || '/static/images/no2.png'"></image></view>
<view class="user-name line2">{{pageData.userProfitList[1].nickname || '暂无'}}</view>
<view>已邀请{{pageData.userProfitList[1].inviterCount || 0}}</view>
<view class="income-money">{{pageData.userProfitList[1].brokeragePrice || 0}}</view>
<view class="medal medal1" v-if="pageData.userProfitList.length > 0">
<image src="/static/images/no1-bg.png" class="medal-bg"></image>
<image src="/static/images/no1.png" class="medal-icon"></image>
<view class="medal-content">
<view class="user-header"><image :src="pageData.userProfitList[0].avatar || '/static/images/no1.png'"></image></view>
<view class="user-name line2">{{pageData.userProfitList[0].nickname}}</view>
<view class="income-money">{{pageData.userProfitList[0].brokeragePrice}}</view>
<view class="medal medal3">
<image src="/static/images/no3-bg.png" class="medal-bg"></image>
<image src="/static/images/no3.png" class="medal-icon"></image>
<view class="medal-content">
<view class="user-header"><image :src="pageData.userProfitList[2].avatar || '/static/images/no3.png'"></image></view>
<view class="user-name line2">{{pageData.userProfitList[2].nickname || '暂无'}}</view>
<view>已邀请{{pageData.userProfitList[2].inviterCount || 0}}</view>
<view class="income-money">{{pageData.userProfitList[2].brokeragePrice || 0}}</view>
<view class="rank-list-box">
<view v-for="(item, index) in rankList" :key="index" class="rank-item acea-row-nowrap row-middle row-between">
<view class="num">{{index+4}}</view>
<view class="item-right acea-row row-between row-middle">
<view class="item-right-l acea-row-nowrap row-middle">
<image :src="item.avatar"></image>
<view class="name line1">{{item.nickname}}</view>
<view class="item-right-r">
<view> 已邀请{{item.inviterCount}}</view>
<view class="mondy">收益{{item.brokeragePrice}}</view>
<!-- <view class="share-btn"></view> -->
<button class="share-btn" open-type="share" v-if="shareFlag">
<image src="/static/images/share-btn.png"></image>
// pages/user/index.js
const app = getApp();
export default {
data() {
return {
userInfo: {},
pageData: {},
rankList: [],
menuList: [{
name: '需求优先',
icon: "/static/images/menu1.png"
}, {
name: '收益分成',
icon: "/static/images/menu2.png"
}, {
name: '上架特权',
icon: "/static/images/menu3.png"
}, {
name: '活动特权',
icon: "/static/images/menu4.png"
}, {
name: '精品项目',
icon: "/static/images/menu5.png"
}, {
name: '专属推荐码',
icon: "/static/images/menu6.png"
}, {
name: '会员特价',
icon: "/static/images/menu7.png"
}, {
name: '专属活动',
icon: "/static/images/menu8.png"
}, {
name: '增值收益',
icon: "/static/images/menu9.png"
shareFlag: false,
CustomBar: app.globalData.CustomBar
components: {},
props: {},
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad: function (options) {
userInfo: uni.getStorageSync('userInfo')
* 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
onReady: function () {},
* 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
onShow: function () {},
* 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
onHide: function () {},
* 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
onUnload: function () {},
* 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
onPullDownRefresh: function () {},
* 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
onReachBottom: function () {},
* 用户点击右上角分享
onShareAppMessage: function (res) {
if (this.shareFlag) {
return {
title: '禅易云生态',
imageUrl: "/static/images/shareImg.png",
path: '/pages/user/agreement/index?id=' + this.userInfo.uid // 路径,传递参数到指定页面。
} else {
title: '暂时不能分享哦~',
icon: 'none'
methods: {
backUserIndex() {
url: '/pages/user/index'
getShareFlag() {
app.http('get', 'user/getShareFlag').then(res => {
if ( {
getPageData() {
title: '正在加载中...'
app.http('get', 'user/myProfit').then(res => {
if ( {
if ( >= 3) {
toMoreMenu() {
url: '../agreement/index'
toIncomeDetail() {
url: '../incomeDetail/index'
tixian() {
title: '提现功能暂未开放!',
icon: 'none'
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