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3 years ago
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<view class="page-title" style="top:{{menuTop}}px;height:{{menuHeight}}px;line-height: {{menuHeight}}px;">禅意云生态</view>
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<view class="menu-item acea-row row-column row-middle" wx:for="{{menuList}}" wx:key="index">
<image src="{{item.icon}}"></image>
</view> -->
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<view class="acea-row">
<text class="fz32">热门活动</text>
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<view class="investement-list">
<scroll-view class="scroll-view_H" scroll-x="true">
<view v-for="(item, index) in recommendActivity" v-if="index < 3" :key="index" class="investment-item" @tap="toActiveDetail" :data-id="">
<image class="item-bg" :src="item.images" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="tips-box acea-row row-right">
<view v-for="(flag, index2) in spl.spl(item.flag)" :key="index2" :class="'tips-item ' + (index2%2 == 0 ? 'bg2' : '' )" v-if="index2 < 3">{{flag}}</view>
<view class="item-info-box acea-row row-column row-center">
<view class="address-box line1">
<image src="/static/images/home/localtion.png"></image>
<view class="time-box">
<image src="/static/images/home/time.png"></image>
<!-- 尊享福利 -->
<!-- <view class="welfare-box">
<view class="welfare-title">尊享福利</view>
<view class="welfare-list-box">
<scroll-view class="scroll-view_H" scroll-x="true">
<view class="welfare-item" wx:for="{{3}}" wx:key="index">
<view class="item-box acea-row">
<image src="../../images/home/welfare1.png"></image>
<view class="welfare-info-box acea-row row-column row-between">
<view class="w-name">保时捷Porsche-Panamera 4S E-Hybrid 行政加长版</view>
<view class="w-address">武汉光谷保时捷中心</view>
<view class="w-price">140</view>
<view class="w-oldPrice">市场价约为157</view>
<view class="buy-btn">立即抢购</view>
<view class="item-box acea-row">
<image src="../../images/home/welfare1.png"></image>
<view class="welfare-info-box acea-row row-column row-between">
<view class="w-name">保时捷Porsche-Panamera 4S E-Hybrid 行政加长版</view>
<view class="w-address">武汉光谷保时捷中心</view>
<view class="w-price">140</view>
<view class="w-oldPrice">市场价约为157</view>
<view class="buy-btn">立即抢购</view>
</view> -->
<!-- 供需模块 -->
<view class="demandhall-box">
<view class="tabs-box acea-row row-around">
<view :class="'tab-item ' + (active == 1 ? 'tab-item-a' : '')" data-i="1" @tap="tabClick">最新供应</view>
<view :class="'tab-item ' + (active == 2 ? 'tab-item-a' : '')" data-i="2" @tap="tabClick">需求广场</view>
<!-- <view class="tab-item {{active == 3 ? 'tab-item-a' : ''}}" data-i="3" bindtap="tabClick">金牌投资人</view> -->
<view class="list-box" v-if="active == 1">
<view v-for="(item, index) in resourcesList" :key="index" class="item">
<view class="item-top">
<view class="project-name line1">{{item.title}}</view>
<view class="tag">{{item.cname}}</view>
<view class="desc line2">{{item.detailedDescription}}</view>
<view class="buy-btn" @tap="toResourcesDetail" :data-id="">了解详情</view>
<view class="company-box acea-row">
<image :src="item.enterpriseDto.enterpriseLogo" class="logo"></image>
<view class="company-info acea-row row-column row-between">
<view class="company-name fz28">{{item.enterpriseDto.enterpriseName}}</view>
<view class="company-name fz24">{{item.enterpriseDto.enterpriseTitle}}</view>
<view class="tags-box acea-row">
<!-- <view class="tag-item fz20">网站建设</view> -->
<view class="tag-item fz20 bgG">{{item.cname}}</view>
<!-- <view class="tag-item fz20 bgO">网站建设</view> -->
<view class="into-btn acea-row row-center-wrapper" @tap="toCompanyDetail" :data-id="item.enterpriseId">
<image src="/static/images/home/company-icon.png"></image>
<view class="list-box" v-if="active == 2">
<view v-for="(item, index) in demandList" :key="index" class="item" @tap="toNeedDetail" :data-id="">
<view class="item-top">
<view class="project-name">{{item.title}}</view>
<view class="desc line2">{{item.detailedDescription}}</view>
<view class="tags-box tags-box2 acea-row">
<view class="tag-item fz20">{{item.enterpriseDto.cname}}</view>
<!-- <view class="tag-item fz20 bgG">网站建设</view>
<view class="tag-item fz20 bgO">网站建设</view> -->
<view class="price">{{}}</view>
<view class="to-demandhall acea-row row-center row-middle" @tap="toTab2">
<image src="/static/images/home/arrow-r.png"></image>
<tabbar :current="currentTabIndex" @click="tabBarClick"></tabbar>
<script module="spl" lang="wxs" src="../../utils/subutil.wxs"></script>
// index.js
// 获取应用实例
const app = getApp();
import util from '../../utils/util';
var QQMapWX = require("../../utils/qqmap-wx-jssdk.min.js");
var qqmapsdk;
import tabbar from "../../tabbarComponent/tabbar";
export default {
data() {
return {
menuList: [{
icon: "/static/images/home/menu1.png",
text: 'IT制作'
}, {
icon: "/static/images/home/menu2.png",
text: 'logo设计'
}, {
icon: "/static/images/home/menu3.png",
text: '文案策划'
}, {
icon: "/static/images/home/menu4.png",
text: 'app开发'
}, {
icon: "/static/images/home/menu5.png",
text: '装修服务'
}, {
icon: "/static/images/home/menu6.png",
text: '软件定制'
}, {
icon: "/static/images/home/menu7.png",
text: '法律服务'
}, {
icon: "/static/images/home/menu8.png",
text: '小程序'
}, {
icon: "/static/images/home/menu9.png",
text: '网络营销'
}, {
icon: "/static/images/home/menu10.png",
text: '全部分类'
CustomBar: app.globalData.CustomBar,
menuHeight: app.globalData.menuHeight,
navHeight: app.globalData.navHeight,
menuTop: app.globalData.menuTop,
active: 1,
recommendActivity: [],
demandList: [],
resourcesList: [],
province: '',
city: '',
cagetoryList: "",
latitude: "",
longitude: "",
currentTabIndex: 0
components: {
props: {},
onLoad() {
// app.globalData.editTabbar();
this.pagePath = '/pages/home/index'
qqmapsdk = new QQMapWX({
key: 'UVEBZ-M3VRS-CO4OH-6F5QZ-X7FB7-SVFOX' //这里自己的key秘钥进行填充
onPullDownRefresh: function () {
methods: {
console.log('返回tabBar索引:' + index)
this.currentTabIndex = index
toGuidePage() {
url: '/pages/guide/index'
toActiveDetail(e) {
let id =;
url: '/pages/activity/detail/index?id=' + id
tabClick(e) {
active: e.currentTarget.dataset.i
toTab2() {
url: '/pages/demandHall/index'
getCagetoryList() {
app.http('get', 'index').then(res => {
if ( { => {
item.activityStartTime = util.getWeek(item.activityStartTime);
}); //隐藏导航条加载动画
uni.hideNavigationBarLoading(); //停止下拉刷新
toResourcesDetail(e) {
let id =;
url: '/pages/demandHall/resourcesDetail/index?id=' + id
toCompanyDetail(e) {
let id =;
url: '/pages/demandHall/companyDetail/index?id=' + id
toNeedDetail(e) {
let id =;
url: '/pages/demandHall/needsDetail/index?id=' + id
getLocation() {
let vm = this;
type: 'wgs84',
success: function (res) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(res))
var latitude = res.latitude;
var longitude = res.longitude;
var speed = res.speed;
var accuracy = res.accuracy;
vm.getLocal(latitude, longitude);
fail: function (res) {
console.log('fail' + JSON.stringify(res));
// 获取当前地理位置
getLocal: function (latitude, longitude) {
let vm = this;
location: {
latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude
success: function (res) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(res));
let province = res.result.ad_info.province;
let city =;
province: province,
city: city,
latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude
}); // console.log(city)
fail: function (res) {
complete: function (res) {// console.log(res);
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padding-bottom: 24rpx;
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color: #1D1D1D;
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font-size: 20rpx;
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border: 1rpx solid #FC9367;
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color: #A7A7A7;
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